Presents itself as bumps on a dog’s chin that resemble those seen with acne in people. In some cases this can be the result of allergic reactions. Plastic food bowels may be a source of these reactions in some dogs. MSM is good for acne in dogs so give them the recommended serving and remove all plastic food bowels.
In the early stages MSM will help tremendously with blood circulation. MSM is not a cure for cataracts. Please check with your vet for the safety of your pet.
Genetic factors play a role in the cause of diabetes in dogs and cats as well as obesity. Weight loss is the first sign that something might be wrong. Dogs and cats lose their ability to process sugar. Dogs and cats begin to burn fat and thus lose weight. In this case, fat will accumulate in the liver, eventually leading to problems. Try MSM.
Diabetes Insipidus
Disorder in which the kidney is insensitive anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) or, in which there is insufficient hormone available. The result is excessive drinking and urination. This is one cause of changes in urinary habits leading to problems with urination.. If your dog suddenly begins urinating non-stop around the house, you know that problem may be Diabetes. MSM assists pancreas recovery.
Epilepsy and Seizures
Dogs and cats can get epilepsy. When a seizure occurs without explanation, the seizure becomes known as Epilepsy. Essentially, if a seizure can’t be diagnosed, it’s termed as epilepsy. If the Epilepsy occurs in the first two to three years of your pet’s life, it may be congenital. Causes include brain tumours, viral disease, fungal infections, trauma and vascular diseases. Symptoms include, difficulty walking, gait problems, falling down and blindness. Many vets use MSM for treatment.
Feline Leukaemia
Some cats develop immunity to this virus. In this case, the cat may never become ill from the virus. While some cats can suppress this disease, others have the virus running through their bloodstreams constantly, these are considered carriers of the disease. In some cases, cats die from the initial infection. The symptoms can present as bladder infections. Try giving your cat MSM.
Parasite that lives in the intestine of affected animals. It is unclear whether there are several species of this parasite or whether there is one species that affects several different animals, These small parasites are very easy to miss on a faecal examination and may not be present in the stool of animals infected with the organism. Try MSM.
Hip Dysplasia
Hard to diagnose, as it can be present with or without clinical signs. This condition presents itself when the dog or cats limbs become lame one or both sides. Arthritis can develop making the condition even worse Arthritis develops due to the malformation of the hip joint. Young dogs and cats may exhibit symptoms and pain during their younger years. A dog or cat will appear well until Arthritis begins to affect the them. Give them MSM on a daily basis.
Hot Spots
Rapidly appearing skin infections which show a oozing discharge. We’ve all witnessed our dogs scratching, chewing or biting at their hind legs. The most common causes of this condition are fleas, allergies, tick bites, matting, mosquitoes and hot summer days can cause the initial irritation. Put MSM in their daily water, you might be surprised!
In this disease the body is actually attacking its own immune system. Numerous health related systems can be affected at one time such as; kidneys, blood and skin. Vets have been giving MSM to pets with lupus for years.
MSM can improve and extend the quality of life for most ageing, pain inflicted pets by eliminating the pain.
Users Of Pure MSM Used With Horses Report….
“Two of the race horses were near their lifetime records in their second starts after being on 20grams PURE MSM for less than a monthâ€.. .Dr Reigel (Vet & Author)
“I saw a big difference in the horses receiving pure MSM. They are doing better overall and have fewer medical problems . The most impressive thing is how much better they are training!â€â€¦..
M Fisher (Experienced trainer)
You Owe It To Your Animal Friends To Add MSM To Their Diet
*All examples are US and Canadian models*
Not All MSM Is Pure And Uncontaminated. Purchase Only That Which Is 99.9% Pure
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